Senior Lecturer
School of Education
01752 636700 Ext:5002
My specialist areas are creative methodologies and professional identity. I am particularly interested in the impact identity and academic identity has on professional teaching in Higher Education. My current research adopts a creative methodology using ‘bead collage’. My interest in creative methodologies stems from a reflexive feminist perspective exploring how people view the world around them. I am a qualitative researcher and enjoy exploring epistemological and ontological research perspectives.
Currently PhD in Education
MA (Education)
MA Education Programme Lead and Module Lead Research Design, Dissertation, Independent Study and Leadership Strategic Leadership and Governance
My current research is linked to my PhD
A 'Creative' Exploration of Academic Identity in College Higher Education.
Luke, I., Ovenden-Hope, T. and Milner, A. (2018) Policy, Professionals and Professionalism in Luke, I. et al (eds) Thriving as a Professional Teacher. London, Routledge.
Member of BERA
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
External Examiner for Roehampton University
Trustee for The Creative Centre Educational Trust -
Walking my dog