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Terms and Conditions

A contract is formed between you and the University of St Mark & St John as soon as you accept the offer of a place on a programme of study offered by the University. The terms of this contract are set out below and your acceptance of a place and enrolment as a student of the University are expressly subject to them.

1. You should note that an offer of a place on a programme made by the University may be expressed to be subject to a number of conditions as specified below.

2. The University does not accept responsibility or liability for loss or damage to property, or transfer of computer viruses to equipment used, or any other loss, damage or liability or claim suffered in connection with an application made by an individual for admission to the University.

3. The University’s annual Prospectus is produced at the earliest possible date, normally by February in the year prior to the year of entry to which the Prospectus relates, to provide the maximum assistance to prospective applicants. Changes may occur to programmes and information described in the Prospectus between the date of printing and the beginning of the relevant academic year, for example, because of government policy etc. Any changes will be immediately communicated to students.

4. All offers of places made by the University are made on the basis that the University expects to provide the programme in the intended year of enrolment. In the unlikely event that it proves necessary to cancel a student’s choice of programme, or materially alter the nature or content of a student’s choice of programme, the University will endeavour to offer the student a place on a similar programme, if possible. However, the University cannot accept liability for any loss, distress or inconvenience caused by the cancellation or alteration of a student’s chosen programme prior to enrolment.

5. All offers and subsequent contracts will only be valid against evidence of the prescribed entry qualifications being obtained by the potential student before their registration on a programme. The University unreservedly declares null and void any offer, invitation to treat, or contract where this obligation is not met.

6. A condition of enrolment is that all students are required to abide by the University’s Regulations, and the regulations governing their academic programme. For example, these include rules about academic assessment and progression, student appeals against academic failure, the University’s rules for good conduct and student discipline, Library and IT regulations, health and safety rules etc. The contents are incorporated in these terms and conditions by reference. A student should be aware that he/she may be excluded from the University under these Regulations. Copies of the Regulations will be available for inspection at enrolment and on the University’s website and Virtual Learning Environment ‘Learning Space’.

7. The University will only use personal data on relevant lawful grounds as permitted by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)/UK Data Protection Act 2018.  Personal data provided to the University will be used solely for the purpose or purposes outlined in any fair processing notice in a transparent manner at the time of collection or registration where appropriate, in accordance with any preferences expressed.  If asked by the police, or any other regulatory or government authority investigating illegal activities, we may need to provide your personal details. Information supplied by a student at enquiry, enrolment and otherwise supplied by a student to the University will be used by the University’s central administrative offices, its library, and its facilities for administrative purposes only, in accordance with the University’s registration under the Data Protection Act. Some information held about you will be sent to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). This forms your HESA record, which contains details of your ethnic group and any disabilities you have. HESA will pass your record, or parts of it, to the relevant organisations that need it to carry out their statutory functions connected with funding higher education. These include:

  • Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
  • Welsh Assembly Government (WAG)
  • Scottish Executive (SE) [Scottish Government {SG}]
  • Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland (DEL(NI))
  • Office for Students
  • Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW)
  • Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council (SFC)
  • National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
  • Research Councils UK (RCUK)
  • Department for Education (DfE)
  • Professional Accreditation Bodies determined by programme
  • Government departments and other agencies fulfilling government requirements
  • and any other successor bodies

HESA and the organisations listed above will use the information mainly to produce statistics. This may result in information being published and released to other approved users, including academic researchers and commercial organisations. Your record will not be used in a way that could affect you personally and the organisations will take precautions to reduce the risk of you being identified from the information once it is published and released.

While you are a student, we will need to keep your contact details. These do not form part of your HESA record, so HESA and the organisations listed above cannot use this record to contact you.

Towards the end of your studies, we will pass your contact details to the organisation that has been contracted to carry out the National Student Survey. That organisation will use your details only for that purpose, and will then delete them.

15 months after you graduate, we will contact you to ask you to fill in the HESA ‘Graduate Outcomes’ survey. We will not give your contact details to HESA. You might be included in a sample of leavers who are surveyed again a few years after they graduate. If so, we will pass your contact details to the organisation that has been contracted to carry out that survey. That organisation will use your details only for that purpose, and will then delete them. (If you do not want to take part in this second survey, please let us know).

Under the Data Protection Act 1998, you have the right to a copy of the information HESA holds about you. If you have any concerns about your information being used for these purposes, please contact HESA.

 HESA, 95 Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 1HZ


8. The University assumes that a student enrolling for a programme of study is aware of the published scale of fees and charges relating to that programme including any tuition fees payable by the student, and that the student understands that, should any sponsor fail to pay due fees and charges, then the student will be personally liable to pay them to the University.

9. In the event that any term, condition or provision set out in the University’s Prospectus, the University’s Regulations, Programme Regulations, or these Terms and Conditions, is held to be invalid or unlawful, then such term, condition or provision will be withdrawn from the contract between a student and the University without prejudice to the remaining terms and conditions which shall continue to be valid.