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Data Subject Access Requests

Subject Access Requests

1. Data subjects have the right to access personal information held about them by the University either on a computer or in manual files. Data subjects are advised to put their request in writing (via post or email) to the Data Protection Officer at dpandfoi@marjon.ac.uk. A Data Protection Subject Access Request form is available for this purpose, please email dpandfoi@marjon.ac.uk to request a copy of this form.

2. The Data Protection Officer may need to confirm the requester’s identity and may need to request further information from the requester to assist them in locating the information they want.

3. The institution is obliged to provide the information required (taking exemptions into consideration) within one month of receipt or (if later) within one month of receipt of any requested information to clarify the request.

4.  Your rights:

4.1  How to access information
If you want to know if information is held about you, and if so what it is, you can make a 'subject access request' to the Data Protection Officer. 

4.2  Correcting information
If you believe your personal information is inaccurate you should write to the data controller advising of the inaccuracies.

4.3  Preventing processing of information
If data held is likely to cause damage or distress you have a limited right under the Data Protection Act to request the stopping of the processing of the information.

4.4  Preventing unsolicited marketing
You have the right to stop unsolicited mail.

4.5  Preventing automated decision making
You can object to decisions made only by automatic means, where there is no human involvement.

4.6  Claiming compensation
As an individual you may claim compensation if any damage or distress is caused by the data controller.

4.7  Exempt information
There are some situations where data controllers are not obliged to observe all your rights.